
John Shinnick
Thank you for viewing this website. I have put it in place so that you can get a snapshot of who I am and the type of business relationships and assignments in which I am involved.
These currently or recently encompass:
Non-exec and Board Adviser roles in building refurb, professional services, clinical psychology, PR, distribution
Independent trustee to a number of Employee Ownership Trusts
Coach-Mentor-Adviser assignments into professional services and marketing
Strategic options reviews and implementations in food manufacturing, architecture and aerospace
Advisory into mergers and small acquisitions, trade sale, MBOs and EOTs
Organisational development assignments in scale-up stage
Whilst this may appear to be a full portfolio, it is dynamic with projects coming to the fore or completing on a regular basis; there is always room for a conversation.
Please have a look at my background on the Profile page above and if you think that it would be good to have a conversation, contact me through this website, or
by email :
mobile : 07966 281789